TodoMVC using HTMX, Hyperscript and Python Flask

This post evaluates HTMX, a simple framework that uses attributes to enhance HTML with SPA behaviours. Instead of a full-blown javascript framework, it progressively enhances plain HTML to build capabilities. Better articles have been written on why.

We will focus on IF it helps bring SPA-like behaviour intuitively without JavaScript fatigue.

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Bitcoin is not like a traditional investment

What is the yield you can expect in your Bitcoin investment? Is there a consistent rate of return? Will it outperform other markets? Better than stock market returns? Gold? Will it beat inflation?

All these questions arise from the traditional mindset trained to evaluate everything as financial returns vis-a-vis dollars or whatever fiat currency the prospective investor holds.

But Bitcoin, by its very nature, cannot promise any of these things. Those who say otherwise are wrong. What are we investing in if it is not any of the above?

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I see you, Bitcoin

For decades now, the present-day western economic systems have never been challenged.

Fuelled by credit and unhinged from sound money, the system is frothing with bubbles and capital misallocation.

This hardly bothers the incumbents, particularly those at the mouth of the credit flow. Free credit allows them to eat all the fruits of the productive activity in the economy.

Only in the presence of an alternate system one can suddenly see the system as it exists in a new light.

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Bitcoin Is Efficient

Engineers like to optimise things. It is one of the ways they express their identity. So, for example, if you give one a coffee machine, they would grumble about how much of the coffee bean pulp is wasted, the leaked milk, the wasted power in overheating. Thermal loss, blah blah blah.

They assure you they can fix it. Make it efficient. Brilliant. But they go haywire when they jump to areas they haven’t fully understood.

Are your transactions going slow? Let me show you how to fix that. You don’t want to use energy for that proof-of-work. Let me optimise that for you, they say. Make it efficient.

But it is already efficient.

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